Experts in GDPR Compliance, Data Protection & Cyber Security

Need help becoming GDPR compliant? At Cybata, we help data complex businesses and organisations like yours to comply with UK and EU data protection legislation including GDPR.

We can help you in a number of ways. From assisting you with the creation of a data map and reviewing your current cyber security set-up to helping you manage data breaches, undertaking a complete data compliance assessment or acting as an external Data Protection Officer.

Data compliance and GDPR is complex, but we can help you.

What are Data Complex Businesses?

Businesses and Organisations that are data complex are ones which collect, hold and use data which could be highly sensitive or personal. However, this isn’t always the case. Most organisations become data complex because of the number and nature of data sources they use. In short, the more types of data you have, from a wide variety of sources, increases the complecity of your data landscape.

Simplifying this complex data picture is our speciality, ensuring that you are not only legally on the right foot, but also ethically.

Data Protection Services

GDPR & Data Protection Services

Our full range of Data Protection Services will help you become GDPR compliant, manage your data and understand how it is used by everyone in your organisation.

Cyber Security Assessment

Cyber Security Services

Our Cyber Security Services are specifically designed to help you secure your data, ensure you have the most up-to-date processes, procedures and training.

Events and Training

Data Protection & Cyber Security Training

Good training for yourself and your staff is integral to mainatining high standard of data protection and cyber security. Our training courses help you to understand how criminals exploit opportunities, and show you how to stop them.

Industries that we routinely work in

Sporting National Governing Bodies, Grassroots Clubs and Events

From National Governing Bodies (NGB's) through to Grassroots clubs, data is of vital importance. Whether it's membership data (names and addresses), performance data (fitness and medical information) or financial data (bank details).

We've worked with dozens of sporting organisations, covering a wide scope of data related activities. From data breaches and data mapping to industry specific training.

Building on years of knowledge in the sporting industry we are able to provide you and your organisation with tools and insights that can actually be applied to your data.

Charities and Third Sector Organisations

Charitites & Third Sector Organisations are in a unique position, both in terms of their benefit to society, but also the risks that relate to data security. This is because most charities are data complex because you acquire, hold and use highly sensitive, personal information about the people you are trying to help. If you were to suffer a data breach or cyber security threat, not only are you risking your own reputation and organisation, but you are risking harming those you seek to help.

Our extensive experience working with charitites and third sector organisations like yours means we can offer not only industry specific advice, but also provide you with all of the tools and knowledge needed to safeguard your activities going forward.

Medical Device and Healthcare Companies

The Medical and Healthcare industires, but their very nature are highly personal, with organisations often building a wealth of personal information, from multiple data sources. And it is for this very reason that you need to spend time understanding and protecting all of the data in your care.

Whether you build medical-grade technologies or provide hands-on healthcare to patients, data is at the forefront of what you do, because without it, your work wouldn't be as accurate or efficient. However, data acquired, stored and used poorly can have even worse consequences, for both you and your patients.

At Cybata, we have worked with numerous organisations like yours to help manage your data, allowing you and your patients to be safe in the knowledge that every legal and moral obligation you have has been accounted for.

How we can help you with GDPR

RoPA Building (Record of Processing Activity)

Creating the one source of truth (from which Privacy Notices and Data Sharing Agreements are constructed). This is essential to understanding your data.

Education: Management & Staff

A big part of what we do is education. We do this both in-person and online. Putting on training sessions and workshops that will help everyone attending to understand the world of GDPR and cyber security.

GDPR Management Systems

We help you to select, or migrate to a new GDPR Management system. We can help you get set up with and migrate to some of the following tools; DPOrganizer, Keepabl and PrivIQ.

Data Processes & Procedures

We can help you by prviding you with all the GDPR and Data Protection templates you need for your website and business. These templates are completely customisable, and we can support you with this.

Outsourced DPO

If you don’t have the resource internally or wish external provision and/or endorsement, then Chris, and the team are able to act as an outsourced DPO (Data Protection Officer). Giving you the knowledge and additional resource you need to manage data effectively.

Vendor Due Diligence

Supply chain risks are one of the biggest risks we face when it comes to data. We help you to understand and manage those risks, by working out who is handling what data, for what purpose and for how long.

Cyber Security Assesments & Certifications

We can help you gain important certifications such as Cyber Essentials (CE) and Cyber Essential Plus (CE+) or make a broader vulnerability assessment.

System Penetration Testing

About Cybata & Chris Roberts

Cybata is owned and run by Chris Roberts. He has built the company utilising his knowledge of technology and security systems since he began working at Mercury and BT from the age of 17.

Since then, he has gone on to lead global teams perfecting information systems and integrating efficient technologies that to help businesses of all sizes to grow and stay safe online.

He has also held numerous board and advisory positions of the years, helping to steer businesses to stay abreast of both legal and technological changes. Notably including the GDPR legislation which came to effect in May 2018.

Today, from Cybata’s home in South Wales, UK. Chris and his team work to help SMEs and large corporations to manage their data both effectively and securely. They run regular in-house and external training sessions and work either internally or as a consultancy to help businesses like yours handle data and cyber threats properly.

Chris Roberts

Who else has Cybata helped?

We’ve helped a wide range of businesses and organisations. From national companies to one-man bands.

Everyone we work with has their own risks, and their own processes. Our job is to help you make the best choices and safeguard the dat you own in line with GDPR.

Please take a look at some of the testimonials we’ve received from some of our clients.

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