GDPR Supply Chain Assessment
Our GDPR Supply Chain Assessment is designed to support businesses/organisations who want to understand and reduce supply chain risk. Increasingly Cyber-attacks and Data Breaches in a supply chain result in the Data Controller coming under scrutiny from the regulator in the UK (The ICO).rder to build a true, unbiased picture of your GDPR compliance, than an external, third-party review is always recommended.
What is a GDPR Supply Chain Assessment?
A GDPR Supply Chain Assessment is a method of assessing the level GDPR compliance within your supply chain; including suppliers, customers and partners. It’ll help you identify and prioritise the areas that you should address to order to obtain compliance within your supply chain to reduce the risk of data breaches. Because as the data controller you have both a legal and moral responsibility to understand the data within your organisational sphere.
What is included in a GDPR Supply Chain Assessment?
– Initial triage of the supply chain identifies most likely high-risk suppliers
– Client approved and instigated interviews the identified suppliers
– High level supplier surveys are sent and then evaluated against GDPR requirements
– Suppliers UK GDPR and EU GDPR status and Cyber-Security posture are both assessed
– If the supplier is a SaaS (Software as a Service) then UK GDPR and EU GDPR and security of the SaaS platform are both considered in addition to the suppliers own status
– A report summarising the findings and providing high level direction is provided
• Delivered by a GDPR supply chain specialist
• Appropriate for all Micro and SME businesses, Sports Clubs/Governing Bodies and Charities/Third sector organisations
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