GDPR GAP Analysis Service
A GDPR GAP Analysis is perfect for organisations and businesses who need to determine their state of compliance to the EU and UK GDPR regulations.
Further down this page we outline what is included in every GDPR GAP Analysis. However, it is extremely important to note that each GAP Analysis is both organisation and industry specific. Highlighting some naunces that may be relevant to you, but not others.
This tailored approach means that you can truly understand the lay-of-the-land and ensure you are able to comply with current legislation.
Of course, you can conduct a GAP Analysis in-house. But in order to build a true, unbiased picture of your GDPR compliance, an external, third-party review is always recommended.
What is a GDPR Gap Analysis?
A GDPR GAP Analysis is a common method of assessing GDPR compliance against the requirements of the Regulation. It’ll help you identify and prioritise the areas that you should address to order to obtain compliance.
What is included in a GDPR GAP Analysis?
– Includes interviews with each of the key stakeholders in the business/organisation
– Reviews the policy, processes and procedurual documents in force within the organisation
– Considers the attitude of, and the relevant training given to staff
– Identifies significant supply chain partners where data transfers take place
– Assesses previous data breaches and/or cyber security incidents
– A report summarising the findings and providing high level direction is provided
• Delivered by a sector GDPR specialist
• Appropriate for all Micro and SME businesses, Sports Clubs/Governing Bodies and Charities/Third sector organisations.
• References and testimonials available
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