The 8 Crucial Areas You Need To Assess
The process of responsibility is principal to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Companies that process personal data need to not merely comply, but likewise have the ability to demonstrate their compliance, with the GDPR legal requirements. We thought we would compile the GDPR Compliance Checklist below, to outline the 8 crucial areas you need to assess to make sure you can demonstrate your corporation’s compliance.
Unsure where to begin with GDPR compliance?
If you’re searching for help with your GDPR compliance initiatives and you are not certain where to begin, get in touch with Cybata today, we can guide you on how best to proceed.
The GDPR compliance checklist:
GDPR compliance calls for board-level support. It is vital that the board realises the consequences of the Regulation, so they can allocate resources needed to attain and maintain compliance
Establish which areas of your company come under GDPR’s and think about which current procedures are affected or may assist your compliance endeavours.
It’s difficult to abide by the GDPR’s data processing demands if you don’t truly understand what data you process and exactly how you process it.
Establish what you do not currently do, assessing your existing workflows and processes to make a decision on the gaps which you have to fill.
We can provide an assessment and develop a report summarising your compliance gaps and delivering remedial recommendations.
The GDPR demands enterprises to employ applicable technical and procedural measures, to make certain that personal data is processed accordingly.
Everybody concerned with processing data must be properly trained to adhere to authorised processes and procedures.
GDPR compliance is an ongoing project. You need to perform periodical internal audits and update your data protection procedures.
Easier Compliance
We hope this GDPR Compliance Checklist has helped you to better understand the requirements of GDPR legislation
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This guide is all about GDPR
If you’re still uncertain how to proceed about, or which of our services are most suitable to your particular requirements, chat to one of our GDPR experts today.

Cybata introduces, informs and supports your enterprise in compliancy with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), protection against cyber crime and various other potential security breaches.
Company registration number: 09734419
Country of registration: United Kingdom
VAT number: 289 3645 49
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